The provincial Party Committee and the provincial government held a conference in Hefei to steadily promote the construction of a prosperous and strong province with culture

时间:2023-11-16Source: Anhui Provincial People's Government

On the morning of November 15, the provincial Party Committee and the provincial government held a conference in Hefei to steadily promote the construction of a prosperous and strong province with culture。Provincial Party Secretary Han Jun attended the meeting and delivered a speech。He stresses,要坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will fully implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20th National Congress,深入学习贯彻习近平文化思想和习近平总书记在文化传承发展座谈会上的重要讲话精神,Focus on the mission of "holding the flag, gathering people, educating new people, revitalizing culture, and displaying image",Strive to build a strong culture province with strong ideological leadership, strong public opinion influence, strong cultural appeal, strong creative productivity, strong cultural supply and comprehensive competitiveness,Provide strong spiritual strength and favorable cultural conditions for comprehensively building a modern and beautiful Anhui。

Wang Qingxian, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and governor, presided over the meeting。Cheng Lihua, Deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, the provincial government, and the provincial CPPCC attended the meeting。At the meeting, Chen Shun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Publicity Department, interpreted the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Strong Culture Province", Hefei City, Bengbu City, Anqing City, Xuancheng City, the provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Anhui Daily Newspaper Group,Anhui Xinhua distribution GroupAn exchange statement was made。

Han Jun pointed out in his speech

Since the 18th National Congress of the Party,习近平总书记把文化建设摆在治国理政的重要位置,Put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints and new conclusions,形成了习近平文化思想,It has systematically answered the fundamental questions such as what banner to hold, what road to take, what principles to adhere to and what goals to achieve in China's cultural construction in the new era,To do a good job in the new era of the new journey of publicity ideological and cultural work, undertake the new cultural mission to provide a scientific guide to action。我们要深学细悟习近平文化思想和考察安徽重要讲话重要指示精神,坚定拥护“两个确立”、坚决做到“两个维护”,坚定不移沿着习近平总书记指引的方向前进。

Han Jun stressed

Rich historical and cultural heritage is Anhui's outstanding advantage。The origin of Anhui culture is early and continuous, which marks the unique position of Anhui in China's human history of one million years, cultural history of 10,000 years, and civilization history of more than 5,000 years. Anhui is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization。安徽Cultural diversityOpen and inclusive, Huaihe culture, Wanjiang culture, Huizhou culture, etc., jointly formed the regional culture highlighting the Anhui style and Anhui charm, making Anhui a living museum of excellent traditional Chinese culture。Anhui culture rethinks change, rich in innovation, in the long cultural evolution, the land of Jianghuai one innovation, set the tide of The Times, leading the wind, Anhui is a veritable important heritage and rejuvenation of Chinese civilization。Anhui culture is loud, each leading style, Taoism,Jian 'an literatureThe Neo-Confucianism, Huixue and Tongcheng Literary School were incubated and developed here, and Anhui provided an important stage for the rotation of Chinese civilization in different periods。There are many famous people in Anhui culture, people are outstanding, the style of study is prosperous, the family is cultivated, the culture is cultivated, the culture is handed down, and the celebrities are produced in different historical periods and different fields。Anhui cultural gene red, passed down from generation to generation, forging the spirit of the old area,The spirit of Dabie MountainAnd become an important part of the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists。

Han Jun pointed out that

At present, Anhui is in the accumulation, strong momentum, promising rising period, critical period。To build a modern and beautiful Anhui in an all-round way, culture is not only an important content, an important symbol, but also an important support and an important force。We must earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, firm confidence, maintain concentration, and strive to transform our province's cultural resource advantages into competitive advantages and development advantages。要坚持以文铸魂,坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想凝心铸魂,推动理论学习更系统更深入,研究阐释更加体系化学理化,宣传普及更有说服力感染力,扎实做好理论武装的大文章。We must persist in the transmission of sound through text, firmly grasp the central link of unifying ideas and gathering strength, sing the main theme of unity and struggle, fight the initiative of public opinion guidance, build the main force of integrated development, and do a solid job of strengthening the mainstream ideas and public opinion。We must adhere to the cultural people, establish a clear value orientation, deepen the construction of upward and good moral fashion, promote the creation of spiritual civilization of the whole people, continue to work hard in establishing spiritual pillars, setting value benchmarks, and educating new people of The Times, and do a solid job in practicing socialist core values。Stick to writing,We will systematically and scientifically protect ancient cities, ruins, traditional villages, traditional houses, traditional buildings and other cultural relics and heritage,Deeply excavate the value connotation of inheriting Anhui culture,Innovative means to make good use of intangible cultural heritage,We will vigorously develop the cultural tourism industry,Do a good job in Anhui excellent traditional culture creative transformation and innovative development of the big article。We must adhere to the development of cultural undertakings, flourish literary and artistic creation must highlight the plateau and peak, improve the level of public cultural services must highlight standardization and equality, and expand the cultural industry must highlight the whole chain and strong leaders, better meet the people's spiritual and cultural life, and do a solid job in promoting the high-quality development of cultural undertakings and the cultural industry。It is necessary to adhere to the mutual learning of texts, actively serve and integrate into the national publicity strategy, launch more original products that meet the preferences of foreign audiences and the characteristics of social platforms, create an all-media publicity communication matrix, and do a solid job of strengthening the international communication capacity building。

Han Jun stressed

A long history and profound cultural deposits are the most valuable wealth of Anhui, and it is a heavy historical responsibility to speed up the construction of a prosperous and strong cultural province。Party committees and governments at all levels should put cultural construction in an important position, the party and government leaders should study and solve important problems in a timely manner, the publicity department should play a leading role, and the relevant departments should do a good job in project construction and capital investment。We should deepen reform and innovation, promote the reform of state-owned cultural enterprises and art centers, give full play to the guiding role of industrial investment funds, and improve the operating mechanism of the market for cultural factors。We must build a strong team of talents,Vigorously implement the "Jianghuai cultural masters" education project,We will intensify efforts to train personnel who are urgently needed and in short supply,We will implement the mechanism for leading officials to contact talented personnel,Create a strong atmosphere of respect and love,Steady progress has been made in building a culturally strong province,To make greater contributions to the construction of a strong socialist culture and the modern civilization of the Chinese nation。

Wang Qingxian pointed out when presiding over the meeting

各地各部门要深入贯彻习近平文化思想,强化使命担当,全面抓好推进繁荣兴盛的文化强省建设各项目标任务落实。It is necessary to focus on the key areas and key links of the construction of a strong culture province, form a "schedule", "construction drawings" and "responsibility letter" for implementation one by one, and condense a number of important starting points, key projects, and major projects。It is necessary to strengthen policy integration and innovation, increase investment and guarantee efforts, widely gather social forces to participate in the construction of a culturally strong province, and constantly create a new situation of the prosperity and development of Anhui's cultural undertakings and cultural industries。

The meeting was held by teleconference。The ministries and commissions of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial units, the relevant central units in Anhui and the news media, the party groups (Party committees) of colleges and universities in Anhui and provincial enterprises are mainly responsible comrades, and the members of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee participate in the main venue。Cities under the jurisdiction of provinces, counties (cities, districts) shall have sub-meetings。

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